Your gift—of any size—makes it possible for Meals on Wheels Durham to continue to provide daily meals and connections with caring volunteers to our community’s older adults and other homebound individuals unable to provide proper nutrition for themselves.
It’s so easy to help! There's a variety of ways to support our programs—or you can give our Director of Development and Communications, Jill Ullman, a call at 919-282-8181 to discuss your ideas for giving. Your gift can be made in memory or honor of a loved one, be set up as a recurring monthly donation, or be made over time (up to five years).
Ways to Give
Your donation, of any amount, makes it possible to continue to provide nourishing meals, connections with caring volunteers, and other valuable supports to Durham's homebound older adults.
To give online, please use the secure Donate button linked below or located at the top of the page.
To give by mail, please send a check or money order to:
Meals on Wheels Durham
2522 Ross Road
Durham, NC 27703
To give by phone, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 919-667-9424 (with your MasterCard or Visa number on hand).
You can designate your gift in honor or memory of someone special by simply including the individual’s name and mailing address with your check or as you make your gift online. Meals on Wheels Durham will notify the recipient of your tribute. (If you wish it to contain a personalized message, please include that with the person’s contact information.)
After collectively raising over $2.2 million for NC charities last year, The State Employee Combined Campaign (SECC) is excited to launch its 2024 campaign, Making A Difference Together.
From now until December 31, 2024, all state employees and retirees are eligible to participate in the campaign, and can make designated donations that directly support Meals on Wheels Durham!
Make your gift here by filling out this form and include MOWD's unique code: 1512
If you are 70 1/2 years of age you are required to take distributions from your IRA. You can give directly to Meals on Wheels Durham from your IRA, rather than taking a distribution created in taxable income. This gift must be transferred directly from your IRA to Meals on Wheels Durham to qualify as a tax-free transfer. Contact your broker, financial planner, or financial institution for information about how you can make this type of gift.
Once you have discussed with your attorney or financial-planning professional how a planned gift to Meals on Wheels Durham can be in both your best interest and that of the community we serve, please consider any of the various forms of bequests that can be made to support our mission.
- Specific bequests are usually a stated dollar amount. They can also be a gift of securities, real estate or other tangible personal property.
- Residual bequests name Meals on Wheels Durham to receive all or a percentage of the remainder of an estate after specific bequests have been fulfilled.
- Contingent bequests take effect only if all primary beneficiaries named in the will have deceased prior to the donor. Declaring Meals on Wheels Durham a contingent beneficiary can prevent the property from going to the state if there are no heirs.
If you have questions or want to find out more about making a planned gift to Meals on Wheels Durham, please contact Jill Ullman at (919) 282-8181 or by email at jill@mowdurham.org.
Once you have discussed with your attorney or financial-planning professional how giving to Meals on Wheels Durham can be both in your best interest and that of the community we serve, please consider any of the various ways life insurance policies can be used to support our mission.
- Beneficiary: You can designate Meals on Wheels Durham the beneficiary of an existing policy.
- Owner and beneficiary: You can transfer an existing policy to Meals on Wheels Durham, making the organization the owner and beneficiary.
- New policy: You can take out a new policy with Meals on Wheels Durham as the owner and/or beneficiary.
If you have questions or want to find out more about giving life insurance to Meals on Wheels Durham, please contact Jill Ullman, Director of Development and Communications, at 919-282-8181 or by email at jill@mowdurham.org.
You can support Meals on Wheels by donating a vehicle, RV, boat, motorcycle, etc. to Vehicles for Charity. Please call 866-628-CARS (866-628-2277) or visit Vehicles for Charity to get the process started.
We are fortunate to be affiliated with various organizations and services that allow you to make a significant contribution to our mission in the course of carrying out your daily errands, shopping, and web surfing. You can:
- Shop online at IGive.com and help raise money for Meals on Wheels Durham.
- Go to goodsearch.com, select “Meals on Wheels – Durham, NC” as the charity you want to support, then search the internet as usual. Meals on Wheels Durham receives a $0.01 each time you do that.
- Visit Affinity4 to see how services and products you may already use can help Meals on Wheels Durham.
- Embed the following “badge” from Network for Good on your organization’s website to allow your visitors to see that you support Meals on Wheels Durham and provide them the opportunity to do the same!
- Are you gifted at raising funds in new and interesting ways? If so, visit FirstGiving and start you own fundraising campaign!
Meals on Wheels Durham's EIN is 56-1729111
Meals on Wheels Durham is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and donations made to Meals on Wheels are usually tax deductible. Always seek the advice of a tax professional when determining whether your contributions qualify for deduction.
For a helpful overview of our work, access our recent Annual Report.
In-Kind Gifts
In-kind gifts help keep Meals on Wheels Durham up and running each day. We are always in need of pet food, donations of Ensure and/or Glucerna, common household items (e.g., trash bags, sandwich bags, cleaning wipes, paper towels, hand soap, etc.) office supplies (such as staplers, copy paper, file folder labels, and the like), and miscellaneous items (such as gas cards for volunteer drivers). You can check out our Amazon Wish List to see what we're in need of right now, or contact us at 919-667-9424. Thank you!