2022 Application for Services

The services of Meals on Wheels Durham may be available to any resident of Durham County who is homebound as the result of age, disability, or illness. Most recipients live alone and are handicapped, malnourished, elderly, or otherwise unable to prepare food for themselves. People of all incomes and ages may be eligible for meals. Meals on Wheels does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, gender, disability, or national origin.

Applications are reviewed on Wednesdays and Fridays between 8am and 3pm.


Please fill out the form below. 

  • Current Client Information
  • Nutritional Risk Assessment
  • Household Information
  • Additional Information
  • Complete
To be eligible for our services, you must be: 60 years of age or older and live in Durham County. We also provide meals to adults with qualifying disabilities. Additional factors contributing to eligibility may include: being homebound or needing help leaving your home, unable to prepare meals or shop for yourself, recent hospital stay or ongoing health problems, primarily living alone or with a caregiver